Health & Wellness


PLEASE do not send a sick child to school. Parents are asked to wait until the child is 24 hours fever-free (without the use of fever controlling medication) before the child returns to school. If the child has a contagious disease, such as chicken pox or strep throat, the school must be notified.

Parents whose child becomes ill at school will be contacted to pick up the child. It is important that parents and guardians supply the school with their telephone number and alternate phone numbers where someone can be reached in their absence.

When your child is well enough to return to school, please put a note in their backpack explaining that their absence was due to illness.

P.S. 10 PTA conducts discreet, school-wide lice checks of all of its students several times a year.

Medical Issues/Health Alerts

We have one full time school nurse and one Health Assistant who are available to provide medical service to students and to work with teachers. The nurse’s office is located across from the main office. Staff members, other than the school nurse, are not permitted to administer any medication (with the exception of an Epipen in the case of emergency). Teachers are also not permitted to hold medication for a child to self-administer (other than the Epipen).

According to NYCDOE regulations, students requiring an Epipen in school must have the medication with them at all times, including when they travel to recess/lunch, other classes and on trips. We have staff trained in administering Epipens and renew that training each year. Fortunately, we almost never have to use this medication, but it is important to have it close at hand in an emergency.

We ask that you do the following, if your child has an Epipen:

We have staff members (many of whom are out of classroom staff) who are trained and certified in CPR and the use of the defibrillator. (We have two defibrillators–one located in the lobby by the security desk and the second located on the third floor by room 312).

Broken Legs & Arms

In the unfortunate event that your child breaks or fractures a limb requiring accommodations, you must bring in the necessary forms before your child will be allowed to attend class. This applies to a fracture of the arm, wrist or shoulder, or of any limb where crutches must be used. In order to prevent delays and last-minute scrambles for forms, please be sure to do the following:
Email your child’s teacher and the grades supervising Assistant Principal to arrange accommodations before your child returns to school.
Fill out a 504 form and have it signed by the doctor.  If your child also requires medication (including ibuprofen or acetaminophen), find a full list of health forms on this website.
Get an 012-S report from the school nurse, to be filled out by your orthopedist and returned.
Bring in a copy of the medical release form from your doctor or ER, if you have one. This report can serve to readmit your child to school while other paperwork is being processed.

School Safety Committee

Please note that we have a school safety committee that includes staff and parents and meets monthly. If you have any concerns that you would like the committee to address, please contact Robert Grant at

504 Accommodations

Public schools are required to offer services and accommodations to eligible students with disabilities as per Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act. Your child may be eligible for health services and educational accommodations.


A student can qualify for 504 accommodations if:

  1. They have a physical or mental impairment, and do not have an IEP.
  2. The impairment substantially limits at least one major life activity.

To apply, fill out the Medical Accommodations Request Form (2020 -21), 504 Accommodations Form, and the 




This and more information can be found at the NYC Dept. of Education website.