Welcome to the PS 10 Library!

Our library serves the entire PS 10 community with the primary goals of providing materials that contribute to the curriculum and helping students to become life-long learners. This starts with a love of reading. All students are taught library and research skills appropriate to their ages. Every class has a scheduled period in the library where students have the opportunity to share and select books for home reading.

Our library was created in partnership with the Robin Hood Foundation and their support lives on through our amazing space. Library computers are networked and connected to the Internet. DVDs and other media are also integrated into the library’s collections. The space encourages recreational reading and is terrific for studying. Our collection includes fiction, non-fiction, biography, reference, and videos. We are proud of the multicultural offerings at our school, and we have books in several languages.

The library is open to the school community every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:35-4:30pm.

Volunteer Opportunities!

Would you like to give back to PS 10 in a quiet way? Would you like to help the heart of our library run? The PS 10 library ALWAYS needs help getting books back on the shelves, and making sure shelves are in order! Please email Gracen Cloud,  gcloudwalter@schools.nyc.gov to arrange a time to volunteer – volunteers are always welcome, and pretty much any time that works for you will work for us! 


Fourth and fifth graders can also volunteer to be library shelvers. Ask Ms. Cloud for an application if interested.

Borrowing Books:

Kindergarten: One book for one week.

First Graders and Second Graders: Two books for two weeks.

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Graders: Three books for two weeks.

Lost or Damaged Books:
If a book is damaged or lost, please reach out to the Librarian, Ms. Cloud, at gcloudwalter@schools.nyc.gov

Questions or Concerns:
Please contact the Librarian, Ms. Cloud, at gcloudwalter@schools.nyc.gov

Student Resources

Our wonderful librarian at PS10 has put together a website,  PS10 Library, that contains resources for students and teachers. This site aims to help aid students with various books, research sites, and tutoring to help with remote learning.

Sora is an app and a website that allows students to borrow ebooks and audiobooks.
Sign in with your student's DOE username and password.

Britannica School

Britannica School is a useful database for student research.
(Select the option Use My Location when prompted)

Kid Info Bits

Gale Kids InfoBits is another useful database for student research
(Select the option Use My Location when prompted. If asked, the password is: empirelink)



Teacher Resources

MyLibraryNYC  is a partnership between the NYC Department of Education and New York City’s public library systems: Brooklyn Public Library, New York Public Library, and Queens Public Library. The program provides participating schools with:

  1. enhanced library privileges including fine-free student and educator library cards
  2. school delivery and the exclusive use of 6,000+ Teacher Sets designed for educator use in the classroom
  3. student and educator access to the unparalleled digital resources of New York City’s public library systems as well as instructional support and professional development opportunities

(“What Is MyLibraryNYC?” New York City Public Libraries, https://www.mylibrarynyc.org/about/about-mylibrarynyc.)

TeachingBooks provides resources about books that you use in the classroom. These resources include author interviews, articles, and videos. 

The New York Times - can be accessed from DOE Network only -- no Home access

Parent Resources

Day By Day NY Family Literacy - Studies have shown that if children read for at least 15 minutes a day, their literacy improves exponentially. Every day, This website provides a fun, new, interactive book that you and your child can read.

Shared Resources

Dreamy Kid is a website and app that provides daily meditation to students. This service is free for schools.

eBooks - these three resources provide digital texts (mainly non-fiction) that can be used in the classroom and at home.


Brooklyn Public Library

Application for Brooklyn Public Library Card (Fine-free borrowing card for students) Please deliver your application to your local Brooklyn Public Library Branch. Ms. Cloud can help you find one near you if you are unsure.

Want to check out e-books and audiobooks right from home? Download Libby (or use it online) and then search for your library. Type in your public library card number and your pin and you are ready to go! If you have any questions or need help signing up, please see Ms. Cloud in the library.