P.S.10 Magnet School of Math, Science, and Design Technology

2024-2025 School Calendar


  • Next School Community PTA Meeting - November 21st @ 8PM on Zoom

    Please join us! Zoom link will be shared on Konstella.

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • School Tours

    We would like to extend invitations to sign up for live in-person school tours beginning in December. More information regarding school tours and signing up for a tour can be found on on our tour page HERE

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Monster Mash/Harvest Festival!

    “Our Halloween Monster Mash Festival was a huge success thanks to the coordinated efforts of our PS 10 / K280 PTAs and 75 hardworking parent and staff volunteers. The weather cooperated as fun was had by all who attended. There were carnival games, bouncy house slides, mini golf, magic shows, music, dancing, arts and crafts, fantastic food and even an ice cream truck. It was a fabulous, well attended event! " - Laura 


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Letter from the Chancellor

    Please find an important message from Chancellor Meisha Porter attached.  

    For a translated version, please visit this link: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/about-us/messages-for-families

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Immunization Requirements

    Good afternoon families,

    Please view the very important document and link attached regarding immunization requirements per NYC Department of Education.

    Immunization Requirements 


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Town Hall meeting

    Good Afternoon Families, 


    Below is the zoom link for tomorrow's 11:00 am Town hall Meeting. This meeting will be recorded and shared for families who are unable to attend. 



    PS 10 Administration


    PS10 PTA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: PS10 PTA's Personal Meeting Room

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 891 133 4750
    Passcode: 3yp7hb
    One tap mobile
    +16465588656,,8911334750#,,,,*499220# US (New York)
    +13017158592,,8911334750#,,,,*499220# US (Washington DC)

    Dial by your location
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    Meeting ID: 891 133 4750
    Passcode: 499220
    Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdZIKx3Mf1

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • SLT Meeting

    Please join us for the SLT meeting @7:30 am via zoom


    Jean Herubin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: SLT Meeting September 15, 2021
    Time: Sep 15, 2021 07:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom SLT Meeting on September 15th at 7:30 AM:

    Meeting ID: 868 5998 3442
    Passcode: 012345
    One tap mobile
    +16465588656,,86859983442#,,,,*012345# US (New York)
    +13017158592,,86859983442#,,,,*012345# US (Washington DC)

    Dial by your location
            +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
            +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
            +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
            +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    Meeting ID: 868 5998 3442
    Passcode: 012345
    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcYwQiPI36

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Letter from Chancellor

    Good evening families, 


    As we get closer to the first day of school, please find the attached letter below from the Chancellor as well as a letter on preparing for your child's first day. 

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Complete Your Family Income Inquiry Form Online

    Dear PS10 Families,

    The Family Income Inquiry form for the 2023-2024 school year is now open and families have two ways to complete it online;


    1. By using your child's 9-digit ID (OSIS) number, submit the online form at myschoolapps.com.

    2. Access the Family Income Inquiry Form in the Student Documents section of your NYC Student Account portal at: NYC Schools Account NYSCA.


    The Family Income Inquiry form is the basis for determining your school's eligibility for Title I funding. By submitting this form, you can help ensure that funding for our school is properly calculated for student resources.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Maddy Seide via email at mseide@ps10.org



    Laura Scott


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Supply List Now Available

    Dear PS10 Families, 


    Prepare your child for the school year ahead by making sure they have the right supplies. The 2024 -2025 supply lists are now available under our 24-25 School Year Resources Page. 

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Curriculum Night - 09/14/2023

    Good Morning Families,


    Please join us Thursday, September 14th, 2023 for Curriculum Night!


    Curriculum Night offers parents and guardians an overview of each grade’s curriculum and student expectations for the school year. This is not a one-to-one meeting between teachers and parents. Please consult the schedule below. Please note that Curriculum Night is fully remote as per DOE directives. Teachers will reach out with the Zoom links for the grade-level sessions.


    Cluster Teachers – Clusters are: Science, Gym, Computers, Art, and Music. Kindergarten classes also attend Library Cluster.


    Meet the Classroom Teachers is presented via Zoom as per the NYCDOE guidelines.


    ENL Orientation is for parents of students whose home language is not English. The presenter will be Ms. Elizabeth Luciano.


    Please see the link below, as well as the flyer attached for the evening's agenda:


    Join Zoom Meeting
    If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out, we look forward to seeing you all.
    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
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Principal Scott

What is Family Giving?


The PS10 Pledge Fund is made up of direct donations from PS10 families that provide enriching and supportive services for our kids. 

This is a critical year for fundraising for our school as our school's operating budget has shrunk due to the loss of stimulus funding and other Department of Education revenue streams. As a result, there are essential in-class teacher support and enrichment activities typically covered by the administration's operating budget which now needs to be funded by the community. The PTA has a total fundraising goal of $500K for the year, which is a budgeted spend of about $500 per child. 

This is where you come in! Help us raise the $500K we need to make PS10 a special and enriching place for our children.