P.S.10 Magnet School of Math, Science, and Design Technology


  • Complete Your Family Income Inquiry Form Online

    Dear PS10 Families,

    The Family Income Inquiry form for the 2023-2024 school year is now open and families have two ways to complete it online;


    1. By using your child's 9-digit ID (OSIS) number, submit the online form at myschoolapps.com.

    2. Access the Family Income Inquiry Form in the Student Documents section of your NYC Student Account portal at: NYC Schools Account NYSCA.


    The Family Income Inquiry form is the basis for determining your school's eligibility for Title I funding. By submitting this form, you can help ensure that funding for our school is properly calculated for student resources.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Maddy Seide via email at mseide@ps10.org



    Laura Scott


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • What's Happening in NYC Public Schools


    Dear Families, 


    Attached you will find information on remote learning during inclement weather days and an update on mask guidance for students and families from the central offices at the Department of Education.





    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • School Tours

    We would like to extend invitations to sign up for live in-person school tours beginning in December. More information regarding school tours and signing up for a tour can be found on our PS 10 VISUAL SCHOOL TOURS 2022-2023 page

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: School Update

    As you know the health and safety of our school community is a priority.  In an effort to address the concerns that teachers and parents had about dust in the classrooms, the administration asked the UFT representatives on Wednesday, October 19th to reach out to the UFT to see if an independent Industrial Hygienist could be invited to visit our school.

    On Thursday, October 20th, 2022 we were informed by the District 15 UFT leader, Nancy Aromando, that a hygienist would be visiting the school to assess the situation.  A report was generated and released to the administration and UFT representatives.  This report was also shared with the staff at our school.  It is important to note that many of our staff are also members of the parent community and have students in our school.

    Due to the number of requests from families to gain access to the report, we reached out to the District level UFT to request permission to share this with our entire school community.  Permission was granted; please find the complete report attached.  

    An opportunity to have your questions and concerns addressed will be on Monday, November 21st at 10:00 a.m. at a Town Hall meeting via Zoom.  A link will be shared on the school website and via Konstella.  Present at this meeting will be members of school facilities, the school construction authority, the construction company, P.S. 10 administrators, school UFT representatives, and Assemblyman Robert Carroll.

    Please note that just prior to the report being released, the DOE school facilities and members of the SCA have been visiting and meeting to determine how to address our concerns.  As a result the following steps were implemented:  

    • All grinding, brick removal and dust producing work activities were halted
    • Construction work that originally began at 3:30 PM will not commence until 6 PM.  Only preparation for work is allowed to begin at 3:30 PM
    • Two DOE staff members were identified as contacts (liaisons) to address any immediate issues or concerns.
    • Two construction workers were appointed to inspect all areas of the building at the end of a work day 
    • More stringent cleaning protocols were put in place that include 
    • HEPA vacuum cleaning and hosing down the work areas at the end of the day
    • Air purifiers were inspected and filters replaced 
    • Air purifiers are set to “turbo” levels whenever possible
    • A rapid response survey was established so that teachers could report concerns from staff and parents 

    Like you we have a lot of questions and welcome yours as well.  To facilitate this the PTA has set up a link where you can submit any questions or concerns.  It can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzI6IVbg2rRe1ZBBadfzTXSMaMdPCxJlS-ObR1zpbp6KnwIg/viewform

    We are confident that by working together we can resolve these issues to ensure a safe learning environment for our school community.  

    Additionally, attached is the UFT Hygienist Report.


    PS10 Administration

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Monster Mash/Harvest Festival!

    “Our Halloween Monster Mash Festival was a huge success thanks to the coordinated efforts of our PS 10 / K280 PTAs and 75 hardworking parent and staff volunteers. The weather cooperated as fun was had by all who attended. There were carnival games, bouncy house slides, mini golf, magic shows, music, dancing, arts and crafts, fantastic food and even an ice cream truck. It was a fabulous, well attended event! " - Laura 


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • PS10 Book Fair

    Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 12.03.22 PM.png


    Dear PS 10:


    The library is hosting a Scholastic book fair! We can’t wait to bring the joy of reading to PS 10 with the Virtual Scholastic Book Fair from November 1st-November 14th, 2021!


    You’ll get to enjoy the magic of a Book Fair from the comfort of your home with our Virtual Fair experience. Kids can shop thousands of books online to discover new favorites, and stock their shelves with this season’s most popular reads!


    Plus, check out these special virtual shopping perks:

    • Access to over 5,000 products

    • Direct shipping to your home

    • eWallet digital payment system that friends and family can contribute to

    • FREE shipping on book-only orders over $25*

    • 25% in rewards earned for our school with all purchases!


    Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with virtual shopping:




    Thank you for helping us build lifelong readers in our school community!


    Happy reading,


    Gracen Cloud

    PS 10 Librarian

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Message from Superintendent Skop

    Dear District 15 Community:

    It is with great pleasure that I proudly inform you that Nicole Lanzillotto has been appointed Deputy Superintendent of District 15 effective October 25, 2021.

    Nicole Lanzillotto has been a part of the District 15 Community as a special education teacher, Assistant Principal and Principal of the Boerum Hill School for International Studies for the past 16 years. Nicole was born in the Bronx and educated in the NYC public school system.  She attended LaGuardia Community College in Queens before graduating from Smith College where she majored in Racial Politics.  A committed leader of the citywide focus on equity, Nicole has worked on the District Equity Team and at the school level for the past four years to support extensive work on disproportionality with Dr. Eddie Fergus, and with the District Equity Congress under the auspices of The Minor Collective before transitioning to her new role.  Further she has served as a mentor principal supporting new school leaders, districtwide and has served for five years as the principal at the Boerum Hill School for International Studies.

    Please join me in congratulating Nicole and in welcoming her as the newly appointed Deputy Superintendent of District 15.

    Warmest Regards,

    Anita Skop

    Community Superintendent

    District 15

    Attached are versions of this letter in Arabic, Chinese and Spanish.

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Letter from the Chancellor

    Please find an important message from Chancellor Meisha Porter attached.  

    For a translated version, please visit this link: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/about-us/messages-for-families

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Immunization Requirements

    Good afternoon families,

    Please view the very important document and link attached regarding immunization requirements per NYC Department of Education.

    Immunization Requirements 


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Important Announcement

    October 6, 2021

    My Dear PS 10 and K280 School Communities,

    After taking a closer look, with consideration of the unique challenges that operating a school amidst a pandemic brings, the New York City Department of Education has come to realize that there are many more obstacles with separating PS 10 and K280 then originally anticipated. While trying to implement a separation between these two schools, they came to realize that at this time PS 10 and K280 are stronger together.  Decision making during a pandemic adds many challenges, and the timing of this transition was not conducive to the kind of creative thinking and planning needed for such a huge endeavor.  In lieu of this, the DOE has asked me to continue as principal of both PS 10 and K280.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Robert Quinlan for his willingness to step in and assume the role of principal of PS 10 on such short notice.  I know that any school he chooses to lead in the future, will be a fortunate one.

    Please know that I am excited to continue working with my magnificent staff, students and parent community.  We will no doubt make this another successful school year despite the new difficulties we face.  I value all of your continued support in making this a memorable year for the students and families in our two amazing schools. 

    With much love and gratitude,



    Laura Scott


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • SLT Meeting

    Good morning Families,

    Please feel free to join us for our upcoming SLT meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 29th at 7:30 AM. The meeting will be held via Zoom and the same link will be used for all upcoming SLT meetings.

    Join SLT Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85909509338?pwd=UXd5cndueUx5ZFNZOU1NZ2pqRDBFUT09

    Meeting ID: 859 0950 9338 Passcode: 123456

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Updated Quarantine Policy

    Good afternoon families,

    In an effort to keep you in the know regarding the latest guidance from the DOE. We have recently received updated guidance on the quarantine policy for elementary students below:

    Increased Testing in All Schools 

    Beginning immediately, surveillance testing will be increased in all schools from biweekly to weekly. Testing will continue to take place for 10% of unvaccinated students in grades 1 through 12. 

    Consent for Testing 

    Please continue to submit consent for testing through the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA), or by submitting a signed paper consent form as soon as possible. The surveillance program helps us keep our students, staff, and families safe and our schools open, and we need everyone to be part of it!

    Updated Quarantine Policy for Elementary School Students 

    We have reviewed our quarantine data from the first week of school carefully with the City’s lead doctors, and have determined together that we can update our policy to align with CDC guidelines to ensure that students are learning in-person as much as possible - while keeping our school communities safe.

    Starting Monday, September 27, entire classrooms will no longer be closed when there is one positive case in a classroom. We will now follow the CDC guidance which recommends that unvaccinated students who are masked and at least three feet distanced from peers will not have to quarantine if they are identified as a close contact.

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • SLT Meeting

    Please join us for the SLT meeting @7:30 am via zoom


    Jean Herubin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: SLT Meeting September 15, 2021
    Time: Sep 15, 2021 07:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom SLT Meeting on September 15th at 7:30 AM:

    Meeting ID: 868 5998 3442
    Passcode: 012345
    One tap mobile
    +16465588656,,86859983442#,,,,*012345# US (New York)
    +13017158592,,86859983442#,,,,*012345# US (Washington DC)

    Dial by your location
            +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
            +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
            +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
            +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    Meeting ID: 868 5998 3442
    Passcode: 012345
    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcYwQiPI36

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Letter from Chancellor

    Good evening families, 


    As we get closer to the first day of school, please find the attached letter below from the Chancellor as well as a letter on preparing for your child's first day. 

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • FAQ

    Good Afternoon families,

    We are very excited to welcome students back to school on Monday, Sept. 13. Many families may have some questions on how the school year will be handled. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found in our Parent FAQ attached below.

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Class Assignments

    Good afternoon families,

    Class assignments have been sent out to families via student emails. Please check your child's email ending in @nycstudents.net for information on which class they are assigned to.

    If you are having trouble accessing your child's email, please visit DOE Student Accounts help page. Information on resetting the password can be found under "Manage your Account and Password"

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Town Hall meeting

    Good Afternoon Families, 


    Below is the zoom link for tomorrow's 11:00 am Town hall Meeting. This meeting will be recorded and shared for families who are unable to attend. 



    PS 10 Administration


    PS10 PTA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: PS10 PTA's Personal Meeting Room

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 891 133 4750
    Passcode: 3yp7hb
    One tap mobile
    +16465588656,,8911334750#,,,,*499220# US (New York)
    +13017158592,,8911334750#,,,,*499220# US (Washington DC)

    Dial by your location
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    Meeting ID: 891 133 4750
    Passcode: 499220
    Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdZIKx3Mf1

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Town Hall meeting for upcoming school year

    Good Morning Families,


    I hope you have all had a great summer. The team here at PS10 is excited as we transition into the 2021-22 school year! Ms. Scott and the PS10 admin team will be hosting a Town hall meeting this Thursday, September 2, at 11 am, to discuss plans for the upcoming school year. Please be on the lookout for the Zoom link, which will be forthcoming.



    PS10 Administration

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Supply List Now Available

    Dear PS10 Families, 


    Prepare your child for the school year ahead by making sure they have the right supplies. The 2024 -2025 supply lists are now available under our 24-25 School Year Resources Page. 

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Curriculum Night - 09/14/2023

    Good Morning Families,


    Please join us Thursday, September 14th, 2023 for Curriculum Night!


    Curriculum Night offers parents and guardians an overview of each grade’s curriculum and student expectations for the school year. This is not a one-to-one meeting between teachers and parents. Please consult the schedule below. Please note that Curriculum Night is fully remote as per DOE directives. Teachers will reach out with the Zoom links for the grade-level sessions.


    Cluster Teachers – Clusters are: Science, Gym, Computers, Art, and Music. Kindergarten classes also attend Library Cluster.


    Meet the Classroom Teachers is presented via Zoom as per the NYCDOE guidelines.


    ENL Orientation is for parents of students whose home language is not English. The presenter will be Ms. Elizabeth Luciano.


    Please see the link below, as well as the flyer attached for the evening's agenda:


    Join Zoom Meeting
    If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out, we look forward to seeing you all.
    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: K280 ONLY - Positive Exposure Notice

    Good evening families of K280,

    Please view the attached document from the DOE Situation Room regarding a positive case in our school community.


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Calling All Volunteers!!

    Good Morning Families, 


    As a school, our administration has always been grateful to our parents for their assistance over the years, supporting us in all of our initiatives. We ask our parents to help us with a few things that will make the school day run smoothly.




    For our younger students, we ask parents to make sure they say their goodbyes before reaching the opening in the school gates. Please make sure your children also have their book bags and lunchboxes before you say your final goodbyes for the day. 




    If parents would like to assist in setting up common areas, like the cafeteria, to ensure physical distancing, please reach out to me and let me know your availability during the week. (rgrant@ps10.org) Your assistance would be needed between 9:30 am, and 10:00 am Monday-Friday. 


    Dogs at Arrival and Dismissal


    Due to a recent event, we again ask that you not bring your dogs to arrival and dismissal unless you have a service dog and corresponding documentation.  This situation has become dangerous, especially in light of the crowding, honking horns, and sirens that can make even the calmest of pets upset.  


    Parent Workshop on Assessment


    There will be a parent workshop on assessments, Tuesday October 19th, 2021 at 9:00 am and again at 7:00pm. The workshops will be conducted by our Literacy Coach David Simmons, and teachers from our school. Please try to join up.



    PS 10 Administration

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • Information on Covid Surveillance Testing

    Hello PS10 Families, 


    Please find below information regarding covid surveillance testing available in and outside of our school communities. Our PTA was instrumental in providing information regarding covid testing services available to families. Some of this information is specifically for students at PS10. There is, however, information for our K-280 families as well. Please note that there will be no onsite surveillance testing for Pre-K or Kindergarten students. 




    This school year, families must OPT IN to have their children at PS10 safely COVID tested periodically. This free service uses the “short swab” and is easy, quick and safe. The more people who consent to testing, the better our chances of detecting any cases early and keeping the whole community safe.


    You can learn more about COVID testing in schools here.


    You can consent to covid testing by filling out an online form through your New York City Schools Account (NYSCA). Just log in, click your student’s name, click “Manage Account,” and then when a dropdown menu appears, click “Consent Forms.” Or you can fill out the attached PDF form below (in English and Spanish - other languages available at the link above) and put the signed form in your child’s yellow folder.


    If you’d like to get your child tested outside of school hours, there are many free testing sites in Brooklyn that you can find here. There are also services that will come to your home and test you for free. If you’re willing to pay for convenience, you can buy home test kits at CVS. So many options to stay safe!


    Thank you for all you are doing to protect our students, staff, and faculty - and to keep our schools open. We’re all in this together! 



    Este año escolar, las familias deben OPTAR PARA que sus hijos se sometan a pruebas COVID de forma segura periódicamente. Este servicio gratuito utiliza el "hisopo corto" y es fácil, rápido y seguro. Cuantas más personas consientan en las pruebas, mayores serán nuestras posibilidades de detectar cualquier caso temprano y mantener a toda la comunidad a salvo.


    Puede obtener más información sobre las pruebas COVID en las escuelas aquí.


    Puede dar su consentimiento para la prueba completando un formulario en línea a través de su cuenta de las escuelas de la ciudad de Nueva York (NYSCA). Simplemente inicie sesión, haga clic en el nombre de su estudiante, haga clic en "Administrar cuenta" y luego, cuando aparezca un menú desplegable, haga clic en "Formularios de consentimiento". O puede completar el formulario PDF adjunto (en inglés y español; otros idiomas disponibles en el enlace de arriba) y poner el formulario firmado en la carpeta amarilla de su hijo.


    Si desea que su hijo sea examinado fuera del horario escolar, hay muchos sitios de exámenes gratuitos en Brooklyn que puede encontrar aquí. También hay servicios que llegarán a tu casa y te pondrán a prueba gratis. Si está dispuesto a pagar por conveniencia, puede comprar kits de prueba caseros en CVS. ¡Tantas opciones para mantenerse a salvo!


    Gracias por todo lo que está haciendo para proteger a nuestros estudiantes, personal y profesores, y para mantener nuestras escuelas abiertas. ¡Estamos todos juntos en esto!



    If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to grade level supervisors, parent coordinators, members of the PTA, and or Ms. Scott. Information can also be obtained by contacting the PS10 main office at (718) 965-1190 ext - 0. 



    PS10 Administration

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • PS 10 Ventilation

    The PS 10 School Building was designed with systems in place to create airflow. Our building has an exhaust system that moves outside air into the building and pulls existing air out. Fresh air is pulled in through windows, and existing air exits through vents in classrooms and many other areas of the building. These vents are located in the cafeteria and auditorium as well. The DOE recommends that windows be opened at least 3” in each classroom to help facilitate airflow. With windows open and the school building ventilation system working together, teachers can safely close classroom doors if necessary. 


    Anemometers are used by custodial staff to assess the airflow in each room, to make sure air is drawn adequately out of each room. Classroom vents are clear of items that may obstruct the airflow. A few classrooms that do not have these vents have had special fans installed in the windows to create continuous airflow that is pulled into the exhaust system through myriad other vents


    We are incredibly fortunate to have a system like this in our building. It was put in after flu and tuberculosis epidemics swept through Brooklyn for the express purpose of mitigating viral epidemics and is still one of the most effective ways to keep viruses from spreading. Every classroom now has two air purifiers, one provided by the PTA  (Thank you again, PTA!!!) and the other by the DOE for both K-280 and PS10. Having the exhaust system coupled with air filtration systems is a very powerful combination and one that few other schools have. 


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Letter from Superintendent Skop

    Good evening families,

    Please view the attached letters from Superintendent Skop's letter supporting our Asian communities.

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • ELA and Math Exams

    Dear families of students in grades 3, 4 & 5,
    In a typical year, New York State Grades 3–8 English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics exams and the Grades 4  Science exams would be administered to nearly all students in their physical classroom. This year, many of our students are learning remotely, but the New York State Education Department has required that exams must still take place in-person in the school building. 

    Assessments will be administered in-person ONLY to students who would like to participate. If you would like your student to participate in this year’s State exam, you MUST REACH OUT DIRECTLY TO gnusser@ps10.org in order to opt-in to take the ELA and Math exams.  The deadline to opt-in for the ELA is Thursday, April 15th, 2021 in order to ensure that the school can prepare and create a testing schedule that ensures the health and safety of all our students.  (You can also indicate if your child will be taking the NYS Math and 4th Grade Science exams at this time.)


    Please note that this information is updated from what was relayed during our testing information meeting.  Previously, only remote families were to reach out to opt-in; now ANY STUDENT who will be taking the exams must contact the school.  You do not need to contact us if your child WILL NOT be testing.  If a school does not receive the request to test, your child will not participate in the exams.  


    Students will not be penalized for not taking a State exam.


    If you are a remote family who already filled out the Google form that was shared previously, we already have recorded your response and you need not reach out again.


    The linked 2021 Student Participation Guide includes helpful information to help answer questions about this spring’s tests in Grades 3-8. 


    The NYS ELA and Mathematics exams are normally administered in two separate sessions over a two-day period. This year, all schools will administer only Session 1. This session includes only the multiple-choice items and will be administered on any day(s) within the following testing windows:

    • ELA: April 19–29, 2021
    • Mathematics: May 3–14, 2021

    For 4th grade students, only the one-day, written portion of the Science exams will be administered within the following window:

    • Science: June 7–11, 2021


    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Zoom Protocols and Expectations

    Good afternoon families,

    Please read the information attached below regarding Zoom protocol and expectations.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your child's teacher and/or grade supervisor.

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
  • RE: Message to Families on 5-Day Scheduling

    Good Evening P.S. 10 families,

    As you are well aware, this has indeed been a year like no other.  We would first like to thank our staff for their tireless dedication in bringing some sense of normality to our students’ lives despite ever-changing protocols and guidelines.  We also understand that for our families, each of you is dealing with these constantly changing expectations that are unique to your situations, and we thank you for your flexibility and understanding.  

    With that in mind, we wanted to share with you where we currently are in terms of moving to a 5-day schedule by adopting the CDC recommendation of 3-feet social distancing.  In partnership with teachers, PS 10 administrators have been working on contingency plans for opening up additional classrooms to 5-day programs.  We were able to do so with our kindergarten classes. When we got the news that the city would be opening up an additional remote to blended learning window, we paused our plan for first grade. 

    While current guidelines recommend 3-feet between students, please note that between students to adults, adults to adults, and students with masks down for eating, the 6-feet guidelines will apply. To adhere to safety measures that include protocols for teachers and students eating lunch, we need to create a strategic plan that incorporates safe protocols for lunch.  We also need to rethink our cluster and related service schedules since these classes are mainly offered to children on their at-home remote days.

    Please be aware that initiatives may look different depending on the classroom makeup, the number of students in cohorts, the physical classroom space available and the number of students returning from remote learning platforms on specific grade levels. 

    Any transitions that we make are part of a process based on each class’s situation and are ultimately determined with our students’ and staff’s safety in mind. We are  in the process of creating an updated room occupancy plan for every class on all grades. We will be  adjusting our numbers to include students who requested to return from remote to blended learning. We are also waiting for additional guidance from the DOE and our Building Response Team on occupancy based on the 3 feet social distancing recommendation.  We are hoping to begin implementing the 5 day initiative for all grades soon (possibly beginning the week of April 26.) We will keep you updated. 

    We thank you for your patience and again for your support as we ensure that our students are getting the optimal learning experience for the remaining months of this challenging school year.

    If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please reach out to an administrator.


    The PS 10 Administrative Team

    P.S. 10 Brooklyn
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