Tech Support

Visit SupportHub to browse, get answers, and request technology help.

  • Get help with technology, transportation, and more
  • For technical questions that cannot be answered in the self-serve section, there is a system that allows users to create and submit a help desk ticket. An agent will call those users back to resolve the issue.
  • Login with your NYC Schools Account or DOE Student Account to track requests for further technology help.
  • Staff can sign in with their DOE username and password.
  • SupportHub also has the first-ever DOE Education Virtual Assistant (Eureka), which provides more help, and the same phone number for the Help Desk is still available (718-935-5100).

About the SupportHub - Vimeo Video


  • I cannot join meetings or this Zoom meeting is for authenticated attendees.

    • To join a Zoom meeting with DOE Staff or Teachers, you must be signed in using your DOE staff/student account.

      1. Before clicking on any links to join a meeting, open the Zoom app.
      2. When signing in look for an option that says “Sign In with SSO”
      3. The next screen will ask for company domain which will be nycdoe
      4. You will then be brought to the DOE login page in which you will put your appropriate credentials. You are now logged in to your DOE account.
      5. Now click on the Zoom link for the meeting you wish to attend and you should be able to join the meeting without any problem.


DOE Issued iPad